Ready To Travel?

September 8, 2021

Are you ready to travel?!  The eagerness to do so is certainly undeniable. Google Trends which provides broad insight into consumer behavior shows the interest in international travel trending skyward. Personally, I had a family trip to Europe fizzle in 2020 and I’m looking forward to rescheduling when the time is right.

For seniors ready to board or plan their next travel abroad, remember that Medicare’s coverage stops at the border. Most Medicare Supplements, insurance that fill in the gaps in Medicare, provide foreign travel coverage but for emergencies only and with a lifetime limit of $50,000. And, this doesn’t include valuable assistance services to help coordinate care or a medical evacuation. Be prepared to pay for services on your own and submit receipts upon return including translated doctor notes and invoices. The added complexity of a foreign claim often leads to processing and reimbursement delays.

…Enter Travel insurance. Travel Insurance can add another layer of medical coverage, evacuation benefits, assistance services and more. Claims can often be submitted online with less hassle. Coverage for pre-existing conditions are included in most cases as well as for COVID related medical treatment. Travel products include plans for single trips, long term stays and annual plans covering multiple trips. And, many people find premiums surprisingly affordable! We offer a variety plans from GeoBlue, a Blue Cross/Blue Shield affiliate, and have a web page devoted to their products where you can learn more, obtain a quote and enroll online!  But don’t hesitate to call or email me with questions or a quote.

Happy Travels! Phil Dougherty

two people sun bathing on a beach