Deadline approaching…

December 10, 2014

There are just five days left to renew your health insurance for 2015 if you want it effective on January 1, 2015. 

In both Covered CA and the private marketplace, you have through December 15, 2014 to explore your options and make any changes to your health insurance for a January 1, 2015 effective date. Please read the specifics below to understand your options based on the market in which you obtained your current health insurance.


CoveredCA is the public marketplace where one can enroll in reform-compliant coverage and receive financial assistance, if qualified. If you have insurance through CoveredCA, your plan must be renewed before the start of each new calendar year. By now, you will have received a number of mailings from CoveredCA pertaining to your renewal.  Please read these notices carefully as they contain important information about your coverage and options.

OnlyHealthInsurance does not work in the CoveredCA market.  For assistance with your renewal please contact CoveredCA directly at 800-300-1506 or visit their website at  The website also includes a link to obtain personal assistance near you.

  • If you have not completed your renewal, please do so before the December 15th deadline. If your plan is eligible for auto-renew (passive renewal) and you want to stay with the same carrier and plan, you need only make your first payment by December 26, 2014.
  • If you have already completed your renewal, please know that you must also pay the first premium by December 26th. If you have renewed, but have not received a bill from the carrier or made a payment, please contact your carrier to make your first payment by phone or online as payment by mail may not arrive in time.

Note: Kaiser and Anthem Blue Cross allow first payments to be made online at CoveredCA’s website.  For faster service, visit your carrier’s websites to make a payment. Please see the carrier contact information below.

If you fail to make a payment in time, your coverage may be terminated and you will be required to re-enroll. 


The private market does not offer subsidies, but it does include more carriers and plan options in each benefit category. OnlyHealthInsurance works in the private market. If you are enrolled in a private market plan or are interested in obtaining a plan in the private market, you also have until December 15th to renew or enroll for a January 1, 2015 effective date.  If you wish to stay with the same carrier and plan for next year, you need do nothing further other than continue making payments.

If you are considering enrolling in a private plan, or changing your existing plan, we hope you will contact us for assistance. Note: In the private market there are some new carriers available with larger provider networks.  If you are struggling to find coverage that includes your providers, we can help you find a plan that gives you the best opportunity and provider access to meet your needs.

Phil Dougherty

Health Plans Contact Info