The Open Enrollment Period for 2021 Coverage Has Arrived!

The Annual Open Enrollment Period starts November 1, 2020 and will run through January 31, 2021. This is the time when you can renew existing coverage, consider a change for 2021, or enroll for the first time. If you desire new coverage to start January 1, 2021, you’ll need to enroll by December 15, 2020. Enrolling December 16 through January 15 results in a February 1, 2021 effective date (January 16 – January 31 = March 1). The same carriers will be back, but as before, not in every county. In the private market, Blue Shield and HealthNet remain the only carriers offering PPO style coverage. HMO carriers (more notably Blue Shield, Kaiser, Western Health Advantage, and Sutter Health) will also be offering plans. With many physician offices joining larger healthcare entities, it is more important than ever to check with your “must have” providers to confirm their participation in plans you are considering. Our website offers many resources such as, provider search tools, market summaries, Health Savings Account updates, and online quotes for private market plans. If we can answer any questions or help you find appropriate coverage, please send us an email; we’d love to hear from you!

Standing by,

Phil Dougherty